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One-point entry for expats and companies in North Denmark

The International

International House North Denmark (IHND) is a unique regional initiative that works to attract, welcome and retain the international workforce.

Photographs: Unsplash

Text: Lasse Frimand Jensen

Located in central Aalborg, IHND is a one-point entry for companies and international citizens. This means that the house contains a cross-sector collaboration called International Citizens Service, which consists of the Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI), IHND and Citizen Services. An international citizen can make use of this public service typically by making an online booking with SIRI, which among other things, issues EU residence permits.

The citizen can also show up without an appointment with IHND concerning finding a career. After meeting with SIRI, you are referred to an employee from IHND, also known as a floorwalker. The employee's task is to receive the citizen and make an appointment on the same day regarding your CPR, doctor, tax and NemID/MitID at Citizen Services. The employee also informs you about business services, which focuses on helping North Jutland companies with their international workers. This includes settlement in your local area, jobs for spouses/partners, participation in host programmes, guidance on rights and duties in the Danish labour market, entrepreneurial support and leisure and cultural offerings.

Regarding leisure and cultural activities, Northern Denmark has private, public, and volunteer organisations that run social and cultural events for Danish and international residents. One of the unique pillars of IHND is our inclusion of civil society organisations in the house. There is a high diversity of organisations, some are student-focused, and others are expats, which reflects the high level of activity among university students and expats in the region.

Upcoming events 2023

The high level of activity among the international community in Denmark is also visible in the planned events during 2023. One of the regular activities connected with IHND is ten planned job searches and LinkedIn seminars. Here you will be introduced to the basics of job searches in Denmark and get an insight into writing a CV and cover letter according to Danish requirements. You will also be introduced to LinkedIn as a platform for job searching and networking in Northern Denmark.

One of the target groups related to job seekers is accompanying spouses and partners, and there will be four events for this group during the year. Accompanying spouses will also have the chance to participate in the Career Day Fair, where other job seekers, graduates and students can meet their potential next employer. With Aalborg University, there will also be a special welcome event for the new international students, where the career programme Young professionals in Denmark will kick off.

If you want to know more about all the opportunities life in Northern Denmark offers, you can participate in the annual Internationals' Fair North Denmark. Here you will meet public authorities, relevant organisations, NGO's and much more helpful information for you as a newcomer and expat living in Northern Denmark.

One of the significant aspects of Northern Denmark is that you have a wide variety of activities for families. One example is Aalborg Zoo, which hosts diversity evenings yearly. Aalborg Municipality's Integration Counsel, Aalborg Zoo and IHND celebrate diversity by inviting all international citizens to a cosy" get together" free-of-charge evening. Many North Danish companies use this event to make a day out with the international employees' families. Still, there will also be three specific company events focussing on the potential of having international staff joining your company and the values they bring.

So 2023 is set to be ready with many international community opportunities, and I hope that many of you will grasp these opportunities!


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