Not only is January often long, grey and dreary, traditionally, but we also have to try and better ourselves – what happened to be kind to yourself? So, if you insist on going down this road, here are some options. Enjoy…
Photograph: iStock
Text: Susan Jessen Spiele
New insight in reading
How to Live. What to Do.: In Search of Ourselves in Life and Literature
By Josh Cohen
Stories give shape and meaning to our lives. Both practising psychoanalyst and professor of literature, Josh Cohen, have looked at well-known characters' struggles in fiction and what they can teach us.
A powerful, no-nonsense guide
Embrace the Suck: The Navy Seal Way to an Extraordinary Life
By Brent Gleeson
Embrace the Suck basically means to lean into the suffering and get comfortable being very uncomfortable. Gleeson breaks it down to Challenge Commitment Control, a roadmap that empowers you to expand your comfort zone.
Hopeful, complex and provocative
How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy
By Jenny Odell
In a world where productivity and multitasking is the norm, social media is constantly vying for our attention in our free time. If we stopped giving so much time online, might we regain our lives?
Candid, funny and honest
I'm Absolutely Fine!: A Manual for Imperfect Women
By Annabel Rivkin, Emilie McMeekan
Perhaps more a companion than a manual, this book is about Midulthood for women. A collection of stories, lists and essays about all the things we share makes our lives similar and yet unique.
Did you know?
Board gaming is a great way to pass the time in good company, especially at Roskilde Library. We have many games in English, and you are cordially invited to join us Friday 28th of January between 15:00 – 21:00. You are welcome to bring family and friends – or find new ones here! The event is open and free entry.