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The International

Go Glocal with Lisbeth

Aarhus and Eastern Jutland is home to many internationally-minded companies and

organisations that all contribute to the internationalisation of this area. This month

International Community gives the floor to Project Coordinator of GO GLOCAL, Lisbeth Van Hees.

Photographs: Go Glocal / Unsplash

Text: International Community

Go Glocal celebrates businesses and locals supporting the internationalisation in Aarhus and Eastern Jutland, and the coordinator of the project, Lisbeth, is knee-deep in internationalisation herself.

Lisbeth is originally from Belgium but has lived and travelled through many countries. She arrived in Aarhus in August 2020 as her husband got a job opportunity here, and the family jumped on the challenge of living in yet another country.

"Despite having lived in various countries, among these France, Poland, China, the US, Sweden and now Denmark, it is still a challenge settling down in a new country – even more so when you are relocating as a family," Lisbeth initiates.

"That said, my family and I kind of like those challenges. We've learned a lot every time we have pulled up stakes and moved to another country – learning experiences that we have utilised when attempting to integrate into a new culture."

Additionally, Lisbeth emphasises that: "Every country has its pros and cons – mostly pros, fortunately – and we enjoy the Danish culture regarding work-life balance as a family. Moreover, this gives me time to enjoy the many offers of Aarhus with my family outside of work, e.g., enjoying nature always within close proximity when living in Aarhus."

Why Go Glocal?

"Aarhus is a city that offers everything and more. When my family and I came here, I was very impressed, and still am, by the many initiatives there are here to help internationals settle in Aarhus, one of which is the internationalisation project GO GLOCAL by Erhverv Aarhus and the City of Aarhus."

Lisbeth worked with internationalisation and relocation for many years before moving to Aarhus and is now working as a projects coordinator on GO GLOCAL. She found the project exciting because it is an excellent combination of her professional work and personal interests.

"As a spouse of an international recruit, I know how important it is that every family member adjusts and settles well in a new country. However, arriving in a new country without a social network and language knowledge can be challenging for newcomers, so any help and support to smoothen this process is valuable. Therefore, I think it is important to give recognition to the many different organisations that work to give internationals the possibility to thrive and integrate into their Aarhus life," Lisbeth says and adds: "I think that GO GLOCAL is a unique project that celebrates Aarhus's internationalisation and creates a spotlight for the many initiatives that make a difference in international people's lives. At the same time, I hope many international companies get inspired and learn from each other for Aarhus to become even more internationalised."

The GO GLOCAL conference will celebrate the vibrancy of international life in the City of Smiles and recognise efforts to improve internationalisation by granting two awards on the 22nd of June.

"The conference is also a forum where businesses, politicians, grassroots organisations, and individuals can inspire others to improve efforts to attract and retain international employees and improve quality of life for international families in Aarhus," Lisbeth explains."

Did you know?

The conference GO GLOCAL is hosted by Erhverv Aarhus/International Community Aarhus in cooperation with the City of Aarhus. They will present two awards:

The GO GLOCAL Award is given to a company or organisation for their efforts in Internationalising Aarhus. Nominations and a winner are selected by a panel of expats and repats in the international community. The Best of International Aarhus Award is given to a club, initiative, project or event that makes a difference for internationals living in the Aarhus region. And anyone can nominate and vote for finalists! Sign up for the conference at Erhverv Aarhus' website

The conference is free and held on the 22nd of June 2022 from 08:30- 13:00. To learn more about GO GLOCAL, contact the project coordinator Lisbeth Van Hees at


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